Larry Page and Sergey Brin brainstormed in their dormitory and conceived the idea for a revolutionary internet search engine, which they initially named "BackRub." 


In 1998, the journey of "BackRub" took a significant turn. The startup was renamed "Google," marking the birth of a tech giant.  


The year 1999 brought Google into the spotlight. The company announced a substantial $25 million in funding from Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins, making waves in the tech industry. 


Google's journey reached another milestone in the year 2000. It became the default search engine provider for Yahoo, one of the internet's most popular websites at the time.  


In 2000, Google introduced AdWords, an online advertising platform that would later become a core component of its business model. 


The year 2001, Eric Schmidt assumed the role of Google's chief executive officer (CEO) and chairman of the board of directors. 


April 2004 was a momentous time for Google as it announced the testing of Gmail, a groundbreaking email service that offered up to 1GB of storage capacity. 


August 2005 was a noteworthy year for Google as it acquired the mobile startup Android and launched the Google Talk instant messaging service. 


Google made headlines in 2006 with the acquisition of online video service YouTube for a staggering $1.65 billion. 


In June 2011, Google launched the Google+ social networking service, later shut down in 2018. In August 2011, it announced the acquisition of Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion.


In 2015, it unveiled plans to create Alphabet, a publicly listed company housing Google and its subsidiaries. Sundar Pichai was named CEO of Google. 


This period saw milestones such as the launch of the first Pixel smartphone and Google Home smart speaker, as well as significant fines from the European Commission. 


In January 2023, Google introduced Bard, a generative AI-powered chatbot that could produce text content and fetch information from the internet.